In the field of renewable energy in Europe, the EurObserv'ER (
‘Barometer’ assists policy makers to measure the progress made by
renewable energies in each Member State of the European Union.
Thematic Barometers are published in a two-months interval and present statistical data on renewables in the preceding year. One of the important features of the Barometer is that the figures are mostly more up-to-date than official statistical offices, because of the direct links to country representatives.
Besides information on realisations, the Barometer discusses the backgrounds of renewable energy policy and it reviews selected countries. Also, industry news is provided.
Link to The bilingual (French/English) EurObserv’ER Barometers are available for download under the page:
Thematic Barometers are published in a two-months interval and present statistical data on renewables in the preceding year. One of the important features of the Barometer is that the figures are mostly more up-to-date than official statistical offices, because of the direct links to country representatives.
Besides information on realisations, the Barometer discusses the backgrounds of renewable energy policy and it reviews selected countries. Also, industry news is provided.
Link to The bilingual (French/English) EurObserv’ER Barometers are available for download under the page: